Your new design will be uploaded in:
Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Reminder about Social Media

Please do not discuss our school, our children or our staff on social media.
If you have any concerns or worries, big or small, please come and talk to
us, telephone us or email us.

WEST Site – 01767 312311
EAST Site – 01767 312212

Reception Admissions September 2025

For information about Admissions for September 2025 please view our Admissions Policy below.

Our open evening at our West site is Wednesday 13th November at 7.30 pm

Our open evening at our East site is Tuesday 19th November at 7.30 pm


 Admissions 2024.pdfDownload
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At St. Andrew’s School we develop aspiration, strength and self-belief by supporting each other and living our values.


Don’t be afraid, I have called you by name, you are mine. I have marked your name on the palms of my hands.

(Isaiah 43:1 and 49:16)


The parable of the lost sheep tells us that God is like the Good Shepherd and he loves and cares for every single one of us.

School Closures

We do our best to remain open in snowy weather and will only close if we do not have enough staff in school or there is a heating problem. We make our decision fairly late, as if we make it too early, we are more likely to close. You can register for alerts from Central Bedfordshire at:

Schools for the Future Update

 Schools for the Future Update 26.2.24 (2).docxDownload
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