Welcome to

St Andrew's C of E VC Primary School

Safeguarding & SEND

This page provides the documents and information we have been asked to provide for parents by the Department for Education. You can use this page to download key school policies and other important materials.   We are happy to provide hard copies of any information on this website free of charge.  Should you require translations or explanations of any of these documents we will endeavour to offer this service.  Please get in touch with the school offices.

Safeguarding at St. Andrew's

Our Child Protection Governor is:  Julia Spence.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sue Rolfe (Head teacher),  who is also responsible for children that are looked after.  We also have two Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Holly Yates (East Acting Head of Site) and Caroline Lanning (West Head of Site).

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of child protection, honesty, openness and accountability and as such employs a whistle blowing policy for all employees. 

With regard to Educational Visits - St. Andrew's CofE VC Primary School uses Central Bedfordshire Council 'EVOLVE' online management system and adheres to all policy within for each individual visit.      


Operation Encompass
St. Andrew's is signed up to the Operation Encompass (previously Relay) initiative that runs jointly between schools, Central Bedfordshire Council and Bedfordshire Police. Operation Encompass focuses on early notification to schools of any reported domestic abuse incidents that occur which might have a significant impact on a child in school. Operation Encompass will contact the Key Adult (our Designation Safeguarding Lead or Deputy) prior to the start of the next school day to share relevant information in confidence, so that support can be offered or provision can be made for children, and/or their families, who have experienced a domestic abuse incident.
For support relating to any safeguarding concerns you have you may also contact the Integrated Front Door on 0300 300 8585 during working hours or on 0300 300 8123 out of hours. They can provide advice and support. You can report anonymously if you prefer. 
More information can be found on the Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Board website.

Safeguarding Policies & Documents

Administration of medicines policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Antibullying Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Behaviour policy and statement of behaviour principles Nov 2024.pdf .pdf
Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy.pdf .pdf
Child-on-Child Abuse Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Children with Allergies Policy April 2023.pdf .pdf
complaints-procedure.pdf .pdf
Designated Safeguarding Lead Supervision Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Drug Education Policy March 2023.pdf .pdf
Health_and_Safety_Policy June 2024.pdf .pdf

On-Line Safety
If you need support with how to keep your child safe online or some information about e-Safety for children, the links below offer some practical advice.

Please click on the links below:

For really useful e-safety guides including apps such as Whatsapp and YouTube click on the following link:

SEND Support at St. Andrew's


Our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCos) are Louise Cunningham and Selina Bailey (East) and Deborah Gotts and Elaine Ross-Smith (West).

At St. Andrew's, we recognise that children learn in different ways and at different rates and that some children may need additional support or resources to access the curriculum and fulfil their potential. We have many systems in place in school including using Initial Concerns forms, SEND Support Plans and Education, Health and Care Plans. These help us to provide teaching tailored to individual children and their specific, personal needs.
Class teachers will liaise with you regularly to share progress and successes and to look at next steps for your child. 
The SENDCos support teachers and teaching assistant in their day to day SEND work. They are members of the Leadership Team, have an overview of all SEND support in school and work alongside the Senior Leadership Team and SEND Governor. They also refer to and then liaise with other professionals who work alongside our children such as Educational Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists and many others.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher first of all, either in person or via office@standrews.beds.sch.uk.

Central Bedfordshire Council SEND Local Offer 

If you have a child or young person with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), then think of the Local Offer as all of the services and support available to them and you as a parent or carer.

Central Bedfordshire's Local Offer Directory contains information about education, health and care services, voluntary agencies, leisure activities and support groups.  Please click here further details:

SEND Policies & Documents

Accessibility Policy and Plan.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy January 2024.pdf .pdf

Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities


The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a persons’ ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Most children with Special Needs will not be disabled within the meaning of the Act.


The admission of pupils with disabilities is considered in the first instance in the same way as non-disabled pupils. Further considerations are made in the light of need and accessibility. It is the School Governors’ Policy to accommodate pupils with disabilities should parents wish their child to attend the school.  Steps are taken to prevent any pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils. In practice we ensure that classroom and extra-curricular activities encourage the participation of all pupils, including those categorised as having Special Educational Needs. Staff organise human and physical resources within the school to increase access to learning and participation by all pupils. The School strives to ensure that whatever the abilities and needs of members of the school community, everyone is equally valued and treats one another with respect under the Equality Act 2010. 

As well as the Central Bedfordshire information shared above, there are many other local and regional organisations that offer services to parents and carers of children with SEND. We often work with parents to complete referrals together asking for support and advice. Parents and carers are also welcome to access these groups directly, please click on the link below for further information.

Other Useful Links
You may also find the following links helpful:
Children’s Mental Health:
For information and guidance about radicalisation / extremism:


At St. Andrew's School, we use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour.

My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.
Please watch this short video about My Family Coach on You Tube: https://youtu.be/BWXFxTdC0QI